How to delete your user account

How to delete your user account

User account

To use the Money Partner app, you need to have a registered user account that links with your personal data and financial information. Your user account is secured by password and registered email address.

Delete a user account

You can delete a user account at any time, in the app. Deleting your user account will remove any active consents (shared data) and you will receive confirmation emails to your registered address to confirm account deletion and data deletion.


Here are a few tips to help you resolve your issue:


  • Once your user account is deleted, you won’t be able to log in to the app using the same credentials.

  • All your data will be deleted, including your personalised data such as transaction categorisations, manual transactions, manual assets and liabilities, your net worth, your financial passport, bills, budget progresses, goal progresses, and so on. 

  • You will not be able to receive spend-insights messages for your spending. 

  • You will not be able to download your data to csv or excel once you have deleted your account.

  • We will not be able to assist you on seeing where money is going and on your financial well-being.


  • Your data is deleted immediately and permanently removed from our system.

  • The delete action will remove your access to the app and you will be taken to the sign-in page. 

  • NOTE: Deleting the app doesn’t mean deletion of your user account.

    • If you delete the app, but you don’t delete your user account, your data is still in our system.

    • Please make sure that you delete your user account completely by following the steps below.

If your issue is still not resolved:


The app Settings function can be accessed via the Dashboard. Tap on the cog-gear icon at top right of the screen. 

When you open the app Settings screen, you should see some information such as Help & Legal or App Settings or Account Ownership.


When tap on the item of Delete Account, it takes you to the Delete Account screen where you can

perform deleting your user account. 

The app will ask you some questions to ensure you really want to delete your user account.


Once you understand ‘What happens once you delete your user account’ and answer the survey question, and you confirm ‘Delete your account’, the system will immediately delete your account along with the data, you will be immediately taken out of the app.

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